A new space...

…or a return to an old space? Blogging again! With AI being sneakily integrated into all of the various sharing platforms I have been using for the past two decades, I find myself yearning for the good old days of blogging; the act of shouting into the void of the internet, unsure if anyone is listening. I’ve been thinking a lot about the impact an audience has on art. Why do I care about likes and reblogs and shares and retweets? Do I care? Anyway, this feels like a better alternative - read or don’t read; I’ll be sharing art but also perhaps some longer form craft related thoughts and advice. Let’s see if this keeps up.

In the spirit of renewal, I’ve been slowly making my way through my portfolio, shelving work that no longer feel relevant to my current taste, and also reworking old pieces that I still enjoy but feel outdated. The image below is one such piece - originally painted in 2018 (I think?) and updated to reflect my current kidlit/illustration style. From a children’s book idea I have been kicking around for many years about a community garden. Planting a seed for the new year with a painting about a garden growing in unlikely places felt correct for 2025.